AWS has always had a great GUI interface, but the API side of calls is the programmatic way to work with AWS. AWS prides itself on having a rich set of API’s, allowing most (if not all) operations to be
AWS Cloudformation LAB Part3
In the previous posts, we succeeded in getting the Linux web server running via a template in CloudFormation. Now we want to add in support for SSH access from the internet to the Linux Instance. Luckily AWS has designed their
AWS Cloudformation LAB Part2
In the previous post, we used designer to create the LAB we wanted in a simple graphical way. Now we will go in to the template parts and add in the parameters we need to join it all together. In
AWS Cloudformation LAB Part1
AWS Cloud is so much more than just a cloud storage provider, something I learnt well during my Masters when for my final (capstone) subject in 2019 I wrote a paper on AWS and its emerging applications. I am presently